Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Woo Hoo

Today may be evil, but I'm down by 2.33%

Today is Evil

Fellow BLOBers, may you be delivered from the temptation that is the ubiquitous giant bowl of Halloween candy. Every time I walk past the reception for my office, there it is, filled with miniature-sized sugary goodness. I got a cup of coffee, and some kind co-worker had left out Halloween cupcakes for the taking. I know that when I get home tonight, a huge bowl of peanut butter cups and M&Ms is waiting to ambush me, lurking by the front door.

Do they do this in Canada? Can I move there fast enough?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Fellow BLOBs-

Having a tough time staying motivated today. Had to run to the 24 hr vets at 6am with a swollen dog face. Two shots and $157 later he is fine but I am BEAT! I was hoping to get a few more hours of sleep after the baby ate at 6am. no chance. So I am asking you all to start bragging on your success so far so I can get my post baby butt outside and exercising!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Thanks B.L.O.B's

As the rain pounded on our windows this morning, I wanted to stay in bed and not go to the gym. But knowing that my fellow competitors were probably working out, I reluctantly put my gym clothes on and headed to the gym. I had a great workout and was so glad I went.

Thanks all for the motivation.

Friday, October 26, 2007

gym buddies

So the problem with going to the gym close to home/work etc? Seeing the creepy guy you had to kick off your massage table over a year ago! despite that horifying experience he was on his way out and I managed 45 mins on the bike with motivation to gain muscle to kick his a$% the next time I see him :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

There ARE good fats

Current Models (on Sabbatical)

Future Models

Well, Slim Jim is going to have to give birth before being real model material.

Biggest Losers or Bust: aka B.L.O.B

After a good start yesterday (healthy breakfast, lots of water and a brisk 45 minute walk carrying my 3 month old baby) I was stricken with a killer migraine. I mean bad! After ridding myself of all stomach contents and being unfit to injest more, I am now down 2 - yes 2 lbs!
So the lessson here?
Get real sick and lose real weight. Hate to say it but my sorority sisters were on to something...

Going to buy myself some big pants today, cant stand the maternity ones for even one more day.

(although I am kidding about the being sick and losing weight, bulemia is no laughing matter, no matter how small the jeans you are wearing are when you are not laughing.)
Big Momma.


So what does everyone think about sharing their program details - or is that like trade secrets?


Ok - So, I just figured out we can all make our own posts to the blog, so I just want to say....I'm going to WIN!!! First, I have a live-in motivator (Badass Brian). Second, after seeing my before pic, I have a super strong desire to have a TV-worthy makeover. Wait until you all see my transformation...

Friday, October 19, 2007

go go Grandma joins the competition

She is kicking butt and taking names, so watch out.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Badass Brian

Bring it on.

Monday, October 15, 2007

The friendly competition is this simple, lose the greatest percentage of weight by Wednesday, December 19, 2007 and you win the prize money. The competition begins on October 24, 2007. You are free to use any type of exercise or diet program, personal trainer, etc.

The entry fee is $100 per person and must be paid in advance to be eligible.

The more people involved the better (and the bigger the prize); we hope to have 10 competitors, which is $1,000 in prize money.

For tracking purposes, weigh-ins will occur every second Wednesday and must be submitted by email by 12:00 pm EST. Results will be emailed to competitors and posted here.

Determining the winner: On Wednesday, December 19, 2007, you will send an “after” picture and your current weight by 12:00 pm EST. Winners will be announced the following day via email.

Half Way Payout: There will be a $100 payout at the half way point, Wednesday, November 21, 2007 to the person with the greatest percentage of weight loss to date. This is the day before Thanksgiving so you can splurge a little on turkey day.

Final Payout: The winner of this challenge will take home 80% of the remaining prize money and the second place winner will win 20%.

The competition begins on Wednesday, October 24, 2007.

game on people!